Why LearnPhonics!
Immediate Progress
Children learn simple single GPCs and how to segment and blend sounds they have learnt within the first two weeks of the programme. The programme ensures that children master the essential skills of reading in the first semester through a series of lessons focussing solely on decoding and encoding before moving onto new sounds too quickly.
Simple and Effective
Each lesson is structured in the same way with no resources to prep! All lessons are accompanied with interactive Flipcharts slides to guide through each part of the lesson - no endless streams of flashcards!!!
Coverage and Sequence
The scheme covers most major GPCs across 410 lessons (82 weeks) through a meticulously planned progressive sequence - building on and developing new and pre-existing skills and knowledge with lots of opportunities for recapping. This progression follows the original Letters and Sounds sequence and ensures that children know all of the sounds needed to cover the Year 1 Phonics Screening check by Spring.
Reading and writing skills
Through the LearnPhonics! programme, children also learn the technical side of literacy. This daily teaching of reading and writing skills means that English and other lessons can focus more on the compositional skills whilst LearnPhonics! takes care of the transcriptional element of reading and writing.
Junior Learning
The LearnPhonics! scheme of work matches perfectly to the Junior Learning reading books. Use the code LEARNPHONICS at checkout to receive your 20% discount!
For orders outside of the UK please send your order through by email to admin@learnphonics.co.uk
Vocal Actions
Sounds are taught through a multi-sensory approach called a ‘Vocal Action’ (VA). This is usually rhyme or catchphrase which goes along with an action for each sound. This appeals to all aural, oral and kinetic learners and is an excellent tool for recalling sounds. The children find the Vocal Actions very entertaining and they really help to engage and focus their attention.
Video Demos
The planning includes QR codes with links to short demo videos of mnemonics. Pre-recorded training videos enable educators to learn the scheme in their own time.
Teacher Workload
One of the most favourable aspects of LearnPhonics! for teachers is that no extra resources are needed, the lesson plans are so simple there is no need to read in advance.
Deeper Understanding
Any moment when the understanding of the sound can be taken to a deeper level is indicated in red with the letters ‘DU’ (Deeper Understanding). These ‘Deeper Understanding’ points facilitate class discussions about the learning, and give children more information and background about the sounds. LearnPhonics! aims to help children understand sounds, not just 'learn' them. Children need to be able to engage with sounds in order to have a strong understanding of them, so it is crucial to this programme that these discussions take place.
Keep Up Sessions
Any gaps in learning can be easily bridged through the simple Keep Up sessions to ensure that no child is falling behind.
Assessment and progress is easy to track and monitor using our Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is formatted with a colour code that help teachers identify where there are gaps in knowledge and which pupils need targeting for extra support.The assessment will also work as a guide on how to group children into reading groups based on their knowledge.
PowerPoint Slides
The scheme is accompanied with engaging PowerPoint Slides to support teaching and learning and to again reduce workload for teachers. The slides guide you through the lesson as you teach and mean that there is no resource prep needed.
There are plenty of follow up worksheets, resources, displays etc. to use to support learning as well as weekly parent handout/homework sheets.These can be downloaded from the resources section when you subscribe!
A complete training package is included with the scheme. There are a series of videos with full and detailed explanations on each aspect of LearnPhonics! ensuring that teachers and leaders are confident in using the scheme. If further training is required you can get in touch to organise one to one zoom sessions.
Parental Involvement
To ensure that children are recieving support from home to help embed their learning - LearnPhonics! provides weekly handout sheets with information of the learning taking place at school. The sheets provide words and sentences that parents can practice reading and writing with their children.
Letter Formation
Letter formation is taught separately through the use of fun visuals and mnemonics. Displays and daily letter formation sheets are included.