Lesson samples


Each lesson follows the same routine so that teachers and children know what is coming next. The routine is modelled on the Revisit, Teach, Practice, Apply approach from the original ‘Letters and Sounds’ document.

Revisit - quick revisit of previous learning

Teach -  learn a new GPC with an action/rhyme and discussion (Deeper Understanding)

Practice (read) - children read words containing the focus GPC

Practice (write) - children write words containing the focus GPC

Apply (read) -  children read sentences that include words containing the focus GPC

Apply (write) - children write sentences that include words containing the focus GPC

Each lesson is an ‘active learning session’. It involves short bursts of teacher input between which the children are given sufficient time in which to immediately practice and apply what they are learning.

 As the children know the lesson structure there is minimum time spent explaining each activity. Each section of the lesson is introduced with a repeated phrase which the children join in with to remind them of what they are about to do.

There are many recap sessions - one at the end of each week and a block of recap lessons at the end of a Phase.